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10 Food Safety Tips for the Slow Cooker

Contributors: Esther Ellis, MS, RDN, LDN

Published: January 04, 2022

Reviewed: December 21, 2021

food safety slow cooker
 Devrim_PINAR/ iStock /Getty Images Plus

Slow cookers are a convenient way to whip up a delicious dish with minimal effort. Just throw all of the ingredients in the pot, turn it on, head to work, come home and dinner is ready to be served. But that's not all you can do with a slow cooker. It is perfect for making overnight oatmeal, a dip or even a stew. This is a dream come true for any multitasker, but if you neglect food safety rules, the dream could quickly turn into a nightmare.

Follow these 10 tips to ensure any dish you slow cook is safe to eat:Twitter Logo

  1. Start with a clean space. Make sure the cooker, utensils and work area are clean. And don't forget to wash your hands.  
  2. Keep perishable foods refrigerated as long as possible. Bacteria multiply rapidly when at room temperature. To avoid this, keep your food refrigerated until it's time to add it to the pot.
  3. Prepare meat and vegetables separately. If you prep your meat and vegetables beforehand, store them separately in your fridge in order to avoid cross-contamination.
  4. Always defrost meat or poultry before putting it in the slow cooker. Defrosting will ensure your food cooks all the way through to the safe internal temperature. Defrost in the refrigerator, never at room temperature.
  5. Pay attention to temperature. It is important to make sure your slow cooker reaches a bacteria-killing temperature. Start your slow cooker on the highest setting for the first hour and then switch it to low for longer cooking. However, it is still safe to cook foods on low the entire time — for example, if you are leaving for work. Just make sure your food reaches the proper internal temperature (see number 9).
  6. Make sure your foods fit. The slow cooker should be half to two-thirds full to ensure your food cooks thoroughly. Don't overstuff it!
  7. Cut up your meat. Large chunks of meat may take too long to cook all the way through. Cut meat into smaller pieces before adding it to the slow cooker.
  8. Keep the lid on. It is important to retain the heat when making a slow cooker meal, so avoid taking off the lid. Only remove the lid to stir or check for doneness.
  9. Use a food thermometer. The only way to know for sure that your food is safe to eat is with a food thermometer. Use a food thermometer to make sure the food has reached the proper internal temperature.
  10. Store leftovers in shallow containers and refrigerate within two hours. One of the best parts of your slow cooker meal is the leftovers. But make sure you are storing them safely and eating them in a timely manner to reduce your risk of food poisoning. Store leftovers in shallow containers and refrigerate within two hours of removing from the pot.

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